Wandering Kind EP (Coming this spring)

  • Chorus:

    I found everything I lost

    No more hoping with fingers crossed

    Good Times have come my way

    And they're here to stay

    I found everything I lost 

    Along the way 


    I was a pilgrim on life's trail

    I’ll tell you how hard I fell 

    When the blues and the bottle took a hold of me

    Devilish women tore up my mind

    The world felt so unkind 

    I thought I was meant for misery


    For so long the struggle was real

    I had to learn to wheel and deal

    Life seemed so unfair to me

    I leaned on the booze

    Swore I was born to lose

    But then I found myself and now I'm free



    I knew I was a good person

    So, I did some inward searching 

    I held a mirror to the darkness in my soul

    I learned how to heal myself

    And put my wild ways on the shelf

    Now I feel healed, and I feel whole


    I got a good woman I don't need to roam

    It's in her arms I found my home

    All the pain of the past is a memory 

    Lord knows I paid my dues

    But I kicked those awful blues

    And I found myself and now I’m free



  • Last night I was complaining when my gal came walking in

    She says "I see you're fiddling on the world's smallest violin"

    I'm going to cry a river, I'm going to cry a river and then float away


    She says woe is me, I say woe is true

    She says "When I whoop your sorry hide, you'll be really singing the blues"

    I'm going to cry a river, I'm going to cry a river and then float away



    I'll go grab my paddle and float on down the line

    Darling if you get blue come in the waters fine

    And we'll go cry a river, and we’ll go cry a river and float away


    My darling must think she's moses because she's been trying to part my sea

    I've been drowning like Pharaohs army in my own misery

    I'm going to cry a river, I'm going to cry a river and then float away


    She swears up and down she loves me but every time I’m down

    She starts talking about needing a man who’s planted on dry ground

    I'm going to cry a river, I'm going to cry a river and float away


    I could climb the tallest mountain or dive to the bottom of the deepest sea

    But you better best believe the blues will follow ole Scott Lee

    I'm going to cry a river I’m going to cry a river and float away



    I'll go grab my paddle and float on down the line

    Darling if you get blue come in the waters fine

    And we'll go cry a river, we’ll go cry a river and float away



    Well, if your river has flowed to the sea

    That sea is going to end on land

    It’s hard times here, but it’s better down the road my friend

  • I clock in, I clock out

    Another day rolls around

    I clock in, I clock out

    This can’t be what life is all about

    Doing back breaking labor

    Being a number on a paper

    Well, if I die

    They wouldn’t even stop the line


    Another day another dollar

    And life keeps getting harder

    For the hard-working blue-collar man

    I get paid, I go broke

    The bills keeping pilling up

    I get paid, what a joke

    It’s a rich man’s world and I’m losing hope

    But I got a family to feed

    So, if there’s overtime

    I’ll be out on the line

    Busting my ass for me and mine


    Machines hum I’ve grown numb

    It’s been a longtime since life seemed fun

    Machines hum in my ear drums

    My soul aches but I gotta move on

    Like my father before me

    I work in a factory, scrape by barely

    And at night I hardly sleep


    It’s the land of the free

    And working folks are living in poverty

    They say it’s made for you and me

    But we’re divided on everything

    While the rich are getting richer

    It’s a pretty bleak picture

    You work until you die

    And fight just to survive


  • Baby you drive me crazy

    You know just what to do

    To get under my skin 

    Oh yes, it's true

    We poke, prod, and fight

    Usually, you're the one that's right 

    Oh, darling I can't help

    But to love you


    There's something in your smile

    That drives me wild

    Something in the way you move

    That gets me in the groove 

    Honey with you I never need a sign

    There's something about you

    That makes you mine.

    My hides thickened from your pinching

    I’m a stronger man now

    I can deal with all life's troubles

    I'll tell you how

    Nothing can defeat me

    Because honey you complete me

    We conquer life together

    Then take a bow


    Baby you drive me crazy

    And I drive you insane 

    You still put your arms around me

    And staked your claim

    You're ornery and sometimes mean

    But you'll always be my queen

    All the rest goes without saying


  • My life is in shambles I have a wandering mind

    I chase after thoughts but get tangled in the lines

    I head towards the shore but in comes the waves

    That leave me out drifting and stranded for days



    I’ve been searching for the answers

    Searching all the time

    For something to focus

    My wandering mind


    Another thing lost; now where could it be?

    Probably somewhere off yonder with my sanity 

    I head down the road, but I can’t pick a lane 

    So, I end up just wandering and circling the drain





    No wonder why I wander

    The blunders sweep me under

    And I hang by a twine

    With my wandering mind


    I'm ready to feel steady, I'm longing to feel whole

    To wake up one morning with a mind that don't roam

    I get two steps ahead then I fall eight miles behind

    I've been running around crazy with this ole mind if mine






    One day I'll feel focused one day I'll feel free

    Because all of my thoughts will be clear as can be

    I'll show up ready and rearing to go

    When I feel content way down in my soul



    No more searching for the answers

    No more worrying all the time

    For something to focus my wandering mind



    And you’ll wonder why I wandered

    As I ponder and move onward

    I’ve climbed the twine

    So, I can find peace of mind

    I’m the wandering kind

All lyrics by Scott Lee

Junk Drawer Dimes (2024)

  • In This world there are treasures

    That may be weathered or

    Lost in the hustle of life

    Put in a drawer, and thought of no more

    Until time is right

    In these underdog stories 

    There's moments of glory

    Where ones true talent is seen

    When the favored get labored

    And all by the way while

    One of these treasures steps on the scene 



    Junk drawer dimes shine like diamonds

    Lord knows why they're tossed away

    When discovered, they shine like no other

    As they see the light of day


    I’ll tell you of a singer,

    A true blue picker

    That writes like his hearts on his sleeve

    Never got his big break so his soul aches 

    But he never stops his belief

    In the old run down bars

    He plays his guitar

    Singing to a crowd of a few

    If you keep writing and trying

    Then before you’re dying

    You can quit singing these blues




    Let me tell you of a child

    Who seems meek and mild

    The world they love to observe

    Talkers, gawkers And chest puffed out walkers 

    Make it hard for their voice to be heard

    But in their heart is a fire

    A burning desire

    To show their merit and make

    If you study like a demon

    And never stopped believing

    Then success will find your way




    Lastly the lover 

    with a heart like no other

    A true treasure with a soul to behold 

    One after another

    They get passed her over

    They think they'll die lonely and old

    But love finds a way

    It'll happen one day

    You'll know from the very first line

    Then happily, no more agony

    No more lonely nights crying

    Chorus (x2)

  • My little Darling that night we parted

    When you left for the great unknown

    My heart sang a song of sorrow

    When you were on that train and gone



    I’ve been thinking of you

    Have you been thinking of me?

    I’ve been lonesome as I can be

    The days are long, the nights are longer

    I’ve been thinking of you

    Have you been thinking of me?


    When the train rolled from that station

    My heart was heavy like the grinding rails

    I waved goodbye as we parted

    Then I heard that lonesome whistle wail




    The night is cold, my heart is burning

    My loneliness I can’t ignore

    My darling dear, I’ve been yearning

    Yes, I’ve been waiting for you return

  • I want to float down your sweetest stream

    Drive into your deepest dreams

    To find something to believe in

    I’ve been starving out on the streets

    Dealing my heart to thieves

    Just searching for some feeling

    And now I’m wounded, and I’m scarred

    The deck is stacked with joker cards

    I’m in need of some healing



    Oh, my muse of fire

    You set light to my desires

    You make my heart start beating


    Sometimes the world feels so grey

    You bring the colors to the fray

    And you make my dreams start weaving

    The way you talk, the way you move

    It’s like you got nothing to prove

    I’m digging what you’re bringing

    Once I was a cynic, now I’m all smiles

    You took my heart, turned up the dial

    And left my soul singing




    Like a Shakespeare Sonnet on the wooden O

    Or a sunflower by Van Gogh

    Your beauty should last forever

    You’re like a scene by Claude Monet

    Not a flower, you’re a whole bouquet

    You’ve made me a believer

    I’m going to write you love songs

    And heart felt poems

    Because babe you get my heart ah going

    You give me the fever

  • I once met a man who had lived a dozen lives

    Hitched up and down this highway a thousand times

    He talked like a saint and drank like a sinner

    He lived, and that was all


    He said this town ain’t nothing but a place on a map

    There’s no reason to feel so dog-gone trapped

    There’s a dream out there worth having

    If you follow that long and lonesome road



    If you’ve seen what I’ve seen

    Done what I’ve done

    The world is alive, the nights are always young

    You’ll be strong as a mountain

    You’ll drift like the wind 

    You’ll learn to just travel on


    The bar light was dim, and I was sitting alone

    The room was empty, but the whiskey flowed

    I was living it up the only way I knew how

    By Sitting and watching the world go round


    This old man walked in, and he was slinging some tails

    Of traveling, hitching, and riding the rails

    His face was worn like his dirty clothes

    He leaned to me and said “son, don’t you know”



    Another day at work another hour drags by

    I think about that tough old guy

    He had grit on his bones, fire in his eyes

    He fought the world and came out wise


  • She was a beauty I thought she loved me

    She spent my money and man, we went on a spree

    But now she's gone well where is she now?

    With some other fella trying to drain his bank account



    Good looks can't hide

    Crazy for long

    Beauty alone never built a happy home

    A smile can't hide all of her lies

    I'm damn sure glad that she went on down the line


    Her true art seemed to be, how to manipulate me

    Smile, look me in the eye then talk about "we"

    I must admit, it was a hell of a con

    I'm wiser now that the crazy gal is gone 




    I feel sorry for the guy who won her heart

    He was wrapped around her finger at the very start

    Then they fell out and they fell out hard

    He came home to all his Shit Burning in the yard


    She keyed his car sent a million texts

    Made it known that she had been sleeping with an ex

    All this because he told her no

    When she asked to go and spend all the poor guys dough




    So, fellas if you find a woman so fine

    Go Dutch when you take her  to wine and dine

    If she's a keeper well man oh man

    she'll swipe that check before it ever even hits your hand



  • (Male)

    My sweet senorita

    Will you hold with me tonight?

    I've gotta be riding out 

    With the morning light

    Honey my babe, 

    This will be my final ride

    There's a posse on my trail 

    And they want my life



    Just love me this one last night 

    And darling please hold me tight

    For with the coming of tomorrows sun 

    I'll be on the run



    Head south towards Loredo

    Cross the border and be gone

    Babe it's hard you break my heart

    You belong in my arms

    But i know they will come

    Badges glistening in the sun 

    Try and flee and promise me

    You won't reach down for you gun



    Now come lie with me under the stars

    In the weary hours before dawn

    For with the coming of tomorrows sun 

    I'll be on the run


    (Male Verse)

    What makes a man

    Are the deeds that he's done 

    Why did I kill that man

    Look what I've become

    Soon my name

    Will be on every saloon wall

    Some words were said I saw red

    Now I'm on a Gallup straight to hell


    (Female verse)

    What happens tomorrow

    No one can tell

    The prophets of old 

    Tried to explain it and they failed

    You must learn to survive

    You gotta never look back

    Ride and pray and live today 

    Like it's your final act



    Senorita, please give me your hand

    Time is short and babe I understand 

    That with the coming of tomorrows sun

    I'll be on the run

  • Dear ole dad worked his whole life

    Getting that overtime

    Drank a tall boy after work

    But he raised his boys right

    Loved me, never judged me

    He taught me to be a man

    A hard-working hell of a guy

    I love my dear ole Dad



    Dear ole dad

    I’ll cherish all the moments that we had

    If heaven has weed, he’s high up there you see

    Man, I miss him dearly

    This one it goes out to dear ole dad


    Dear ole dad bought my first guitar

    And my first Dylan album too

    Showed me all types of tunes

    From Jim Croce to the blues

    From Navy he turned hippie

    Then to blue color working man

    He was a dead-head loving hell of a guy

    He was my dear ole Dad




    Dear Ole Dad said him and mom

    Fell in love at first sight

    Her and a friend needed bud

    And he was there when the time was right

    A first glance turned to romance

    Three boys down the line

    He was a fun-loving hell of a guy

    He was my dear ole Dad




    Dear ole dad left this earthly place

    But his memory will stay alive

    I’ll carry it along with me

    Until the day that I die

    I feel calm knowing he’s with mom

    But it still makes me want to cry

    He was a hard-working hell of a guy’

    He was my dear ole dad



  • There’s nothing like a cigarette

    When you’re bleeding from the heart, love

    All your silent punches

    You don’t know what they’ve done

    They caused me to strike my last match

    But now I’m coming undone

    On a highway filled with gamblers

    Who’ve never won

    Goodbye Sweet Marie You put a spell on me

    I don’t belong in your world It’s plain to see

    A vagabond with a cheap Bottle of wine

    I was too much, for your beauty and forever gracing touch

    With the typewriter charm of a rolling stone

    I tried to smooth things over, but it all fell through

    I woke up in the back alley of my tenement

    Not knowing what to do, a broken-hearted lover who lost his groove

    Some of my close friends tried to reel me in

    Saying “don’t go loving ghosts, you just can’t win”

    And I smiled and I walked along with them

    But I had to lie, the heart ache on my face wrote a different line

    Even with some whiskey, medicine, and good company

    I feel the chains on me, and I want to be free

    I feel like I’ve shuffled my last deck of cards

    Is it so hard to bum a cigarette and have the blues be gone?

    I guess it’s goodbye sweet Marie and your spell on me

    I’m headed on down the road well c’est la vie

    Maybe I’ll go find myself again, and who knows then

    I can roll the dice come out on top and win

  • I've been walking down a lonesome path

    My sorrow I try to hide

    I've been living in solitude

    It’s been so long since she died

    But I've been knocking on the serpent’s door

    Trying to find myself once more


    The winds of change can't find me

    I've been bound by the devil’s decree

    Sunlight through a pane of glass

    I think that I'll let it pass

    The needles in my head

    Have nailed me to the bed

    But I'm dancing on the Satan’s floor

    Chasing thoughts, I can't ignore

    A candlelight in the dead of night

    Burns out without a fight

    A breath ends and the pain begins

    Without time to make amends

    I see the crossroads before me

    Soon I’ll be bound by the devil’s decree

    My blood boils and I lost my faith

    I recall each move of the silver spade

    A dark room and a .45

    A single bullet, a single life

    Hell, hounds are calling me

    “You have no spirit to set free”

  • In life there’s love and sweet tomorrows

    Broken hearts and endless sorrows

    There are minds worn from hatred

    Loving smiles holding something sacred

    Before I met you my life was in embers

    We lit a fire like our love was tender

    Being your man is my life’s calling

    I fell for you, and I still keep falling



    You followed me down

    You followed me down

    Now our hearts are forever bound


    When the yields are good and plenty

    Love comes and things are easy

    You walked with me through fields of glory

    And when the page turned in the story

    You rode with me through stormy weather

    Down the rocky roads until things got better

    If fortunes fade or they keep rising

    Babe, I got you and that’s inspiring




    We built out love on firm foundations

    Now we hold our hands in celebration

    Before I met you my life seemed tragic

    You came along and you brought loves magic

    It’s your love that gave my life purpose

    And brought the best in me to the surface

    So, here’s to us and our life together

    Through the hard times and the pleasures



All lyrics by Scott Lee

Self Reflections (2016) Solo Album

  • I've been trying to see through the lies

    There's an emptiness running through my life

    I keep trying to change my ways

    The finger points in the finger points out

    I fall from ego, or I drowned in doubt

    What's going on inside my brain



    There must be something wrong with me

    I keep moving, I just can't breathe

    I'm falling endlessly


    I ignore love or I heed its call

    I care too much, or I don't care at all

    And the balance always slips away

    I get inspired and take pursuit

    Then I lose heart and can't see it through

    So, I put myself on this pedestal of shame




    A heart of gold and a mind of thorns

    Reach towards the light to be reborn

    But the shadows still remain

    When the anvil sparks and the hammer yields

    Will the truth finally be revealed, or will it all just stay the same



  • It's been a long while

    I've been walking some rough miles

    Since I bid you adieu

    Your name is like a poem, babe

    I say it when I'm in rough shape

    Well, I've been singing the blues

    But your songs keep me going

    And thoughts of you keep rolling

    Through my mind

    I hope you're doing fine

    I've been missing you


    I've hit some hard times

    Fast lines and bad rhymes

    But when thoughts of you grow near

    They help me through the days of rain

    To where the skies roam clear again

    I hope you're doing well

    Lonely roads keep on calling

    Thoughts of you keep rolling

    Through my mind

    I hope you're doing fine

    I've been missing you


    You moved on, that's fair

    I still think of the times we shared

    Laughing like tomorrow wouldn't come

    It's been a long time 

    I'm sorry I left you behind

    There was more I should have done

    But sometimes life is just confusing

    And tender hearts tend for easy bruising

    And this heart of mine

    It was meant to pine

    I've been missing you



    A man like me is meant to wander

    Down the rocky roads of life

    To let his days roll by like thunder

    Until he finds what in his heart is right

    And babe, that's you

    My Love for you

  • Easy rider won’t you come with me

    I know you yearn to be free

    You feel locked down by a ball and chain

    You’ve been chasing the dust that remains

    You got locked down you say you can’t get up

    The whiskey won’t flow to the top of your cup

    Do you want to lie here and cry like a broken man

    Or pick yourself up and say



    The ways of the road still roll and flow

    Like blood like steel

    Now tell me how do you feel?


    You were wild for a golden child

    You were walking through a land defiled

    Trying your best to catch the wind

    Rendering your thoughts thin

    Well hearts grow cloudy when thoughts turn grey

    You never found the right words to say

    How deep in your heart you feel a righteous storm

    You know you felt before




    You fell in line now everything’s the same

    Look in the mirror it’s only you to blame

    The boredom of your days is the crucifix of your life

    I know you long to feel alive

    The chaos is brewing you feel it in your chest

    Life’s a game, it’s all one big test

    You’ve been sitting here singing your worried blues

    When you should put on your traveling shoes



  • How low, how low

    How low can one man feel (x2)

    I feel so doggone lonesome

    I let the blues take the driving wheel


    I got this gal that I’ve been loving

    And another one that won’t leave me alone (x2)

    The gal that I want wont give me the time of day

    The other one blows up my telephone


    Shine on shine on

    I want to shine on and make this world my happy home (x2)

    But I was born with these blues

    So, I walk this lonesome road all alone


    How low, how low

    How low have I gone this time (x2)

    I got this gal I’ve been loving

    Been chasing her away with this worried mind

  • I stumbled downtown singing the blues

    Dead set ready on drinking some booze

    I'm going to drink the night away

    I was liquor store bound when I ran into a friend

    He knew I was trying to get drunk again

    So he stayed with me to make sure I was okay



    Another whiskey morning

    It's time to rise and shine

    Have another drink, have another drink

    Let's drink the night away


    I started drinking in the middle of the evening

    But the early morning drunk gives the best of feelings

    When you got the whiskey in your veins

    All night long I had the low-down blues

    So, I sang to everybody in the room

    I had to keep saying




    Sometimes a man gets a low-down feeling

    He drinks a little liquor and starts rocking and reeling

    And he tries to keep going

    Because friends leave, lovers deceive

    But the whiskey is there, and you better best believe

    It's bound to keep flowing




    Whether you got the blues or walk around smiling

    If you fall to the bottles sweet beguiling

    It don't matter in the end

    The sun goes up, the moon goes down

    Let's drink it up while we're still around

    Let's have another round of shots my friends



  • Been reminiscing on something sweet

    Good memories of you and me

    But the blues has cast its shadow

    Cupids missed again

    Things between us lately have been rough and tumble

    The fuse is nearly at its end

    But a penny for your thought’s sweet darling

    A nickel for your time

    I’d give everything I own to see you smile

    Down to my last dime, even this jug of wine



    The road has been a little rocky

    The skies have seemed a little grey

    I still got this feeling deep in my heart, love

    Everything is going to be okay

    I’ve been blue without you

    More lonesome than you can fathom

    Blue without you

    I’d like to end this feud

    And hold you in my loving arms again


    I’ve been pacing up and down the floor

    Worried more than I ever been before

    Lonely nights last forever

    Without you by my side

    Our foundation has cracked and crumbled

    Leaving us with a great divide, I’d

    Like to mend those wounds sweet mama

    Look into your eyes

    Tell you that I love you, tell you that I want you

    And I hope you’ll realize




    Love should never feel this way

    It should be a carriage ride not a two-horse race

    But here we are jockeying for position

    Running against the wind

    Well, if you love me, baby I love you

    The way I see it we’re both going to win



    The road has been a little rocky

    The skies have seemed a little grey

    I still got this feeling deep in my heart, love

    Everything is going to be okay

    I’ve been blue without you

    More lonesome than you can fathom

    Blue without you

    Well without Eve there is no Adam

    Blue without you

    Let’s fuse out hearts and split the atom

    Blue without you

    I’d like to end this feud

    And hold you in my loving arms again

  • I woke up this morning and my eyes were blind

    My thoughts were cursed, I felt maybe I was dying

    The walls were closing in and there was nothing in the air

    I felt too far gone to care

    Then I heard a long whistle from a far distant train

    And briefly I felt like myself again



    There's a long black cloud that’s hanging overhead

    And it's trying to bring me down


    I remember the day we buried my mama in the dirt

    I could never describe to you how much it hurt

    A piece of my soul is gone, that I will say

    I fill it with sorrow, or I drink it away

    The tears and the pain sometimes seem in vain

    But it just feels good to cry




    When the ones you love use the knives in their brain

    To stab you in the back and leave you lying in pain

    The shock of it all leaves you in awe

    And you don't know what to do

    You cry, you moan, maybe you curse the Gods

    But you know damn well you'll beat the odds



  • I've got this ten-pound headache, and I need a two-ton cure

    Esmeralda my darling don't want me no more

    She's out there picking daisies, she's been laughing at the sun

    While I'm lost in translation wondering what it is I've done


    I've got this Quasimodo feeling I have a hump on my soul

    I'm going to hide in my tower lord, I'm going to throw away my phone

    The bells of pride are ringing, I think I might just go insane

    All my ink has turned to poison and now my words feel just like chains


    I send for the clowns of laughter to speak to the leader of their brigade

    He calls himself Ezekiel and I ask him for his aid

    He says when my walls start crumbling, I should probably run and hide

    But I keep kicking this can of sorrow down the hallways of my mind


    He dances with the cherubs, flailing his finger in the air

    And sends for his cronies to get me up and out of there

    They throw me to the gutter, and then they hand me their card

    It says "life’s a bitch mister, everybody’s got it hard"


    Well, the puppets are at the pulpit and they’re looking to get paid

    They're sharpening their blade and hoping to get laid

    Then there’s the lonesome poet, he’s longing to be saved

    They've been writing out his epitaph looking to bury him down in his grave


    I'm going to lock down all these thoughts and bury them on the road

    I'm going to keep on keeping on until I feel just like Thoreau

    And when somebody tells me something I’ve heard a million times before

    Their lips keep on moving, you know I just get bored

  • My hands were on fire, it seems I got too high

    Now I’m standing here naked, and I can’t understand why

    Theres all these circles running around my brain

    I got this Shakespeare logic caught in my picture frame


    Chorus: (x2)

    I don’t know why I tried so hard

    You Just can’t Understand me


    Like some funky Odysseus headed out to sea

    My Heart was in her hands, I thought our love would be the true odyssey

    Now I stand here stranded, my thoughts grow thin

    Like a phantom in the night, she alluded my once again


    Chorus: (x2)


    The room was moving, and my mind was too

    My body was stone, and my heart was singing the blues



    While the moon

    Shone into the room

    I fell into this ancient tune


    On the Ides of March, I walked up the stairs

    I was stabbed 23 times with one look from her evil glare

    Cry Havok! Cry Havok! Let slip the dogs of war

    I was born singing the blues, lord knows I’ve been here before



  • Hey bartender, won't you pour me a drink?

    My head is spinning around and I can't blink

    There are people around the corner trying to bend me to their will

    Trying to entice me with a dollar bill

    They got soapbox suites and monocles for eyes

    They’ll be happy till the whole world cries


    In the smoke top factories filled with half dead souls

    The chains rattle sounds like a funeral toll

    While mounds of money flow through the hands of the few

    They won't let you breathe until you've paid your dues

    I keep trying to find what's false and what's true

    Hey bartender tell you what you can do…



    Pour me a shot of top shelf whiskey

    Things are getting a little risky

    I was going to drink to forget

    But now that my whistles wet

    I’m headed back to where the actions at


    Delilah told Samson “You’re my only love”

    Then she batted her eyes like the wings of a dove

    The Philistines’ silver was lining her purse

    The only thing that could quench her thirst

    She said “my true love, what’s the secret of your strength?”

    Samson said, "Bartender pour me a drink”




    Stagolee killed a man for taking his hat

    He didn’t think twice he just grabbed hit gat

     “You took me Stetson now you’re bound to die”

    You should have heard that poor boy cry

     Billy DeLine is dead on the barroom floor

    Stagolee said “bartender, pour me one more”




    The devil has been hiding in the soul of man

    And it’s plain to see now the shits hit the fan

    There are bombs in the sky and a wrinkle in every brow

    I guess we all have to leave this world anyhow

    When every heart is broken, and all love is lost

    And we all realized that we’ve paid the cost...



  • Well, the days are a long time passing

    I’ve been itching to be traveling

    I long to be somewhere

    Anywhere but here at home

    Give me darkness, or give me sunshine

    Give me rough roads, give me those good times

    Anything but this stillness

    That makes me feel this illness in my bones



    Going to tie on my flying shoes

    I’m going to kick those road sick blues


    Some folks get homesick well, that ain’t me lord

    There’s something else that I long for

    A few thousand miles of pavement

    A good ole dose of rambling on my mind

    And the women, they come, and they go

    Leaving only broken hearts to show

    I don’t like that way of living

    It’s time I should be spending on down the line




    I’m leaving so fare the well

    Where I’m bound, I can’t tell

    I’ll leave my keys in the kitchen

    Because this time I’ll be hitching down the line

  • If you want to see the light, you gotta Sacrifice

    Roll up your sleeves and pay the price

    My friend, it's a long road to go down

    And the voice in your head

    That you try to lay to rest

    Will endure, and it'll keep on wanting more


    You've been walking over graves filled with dreams

    Of other men's follies and other men's schemes

    Sometimes you feel like it all will tumble down

    Just keep doing what you do

    Stop singing those worried blues

    Keep moving on, you know it won't be long



    I know you feel stress and pain

    Of feeling like a pawn in a rich man’s game

    And everyday moves by just the same

    You feel like giving up the ghost

    And you curse this life you chose

    As you peel off your filthy work clothes


    The sweat on your brow means you're still alive

    Keep struggling through to the other side

    I know you feel tied down and bound

    But the chains will subside

    If you go along for the ride

    Keep moving on, you know it won't be long

  • I sat last night with Johnny, now my pen is soaked in dreams

    Theres’s lightning striking in my chest and I’m riding high on lost memories

    Well, brother let me tell how you keep on keeping on

    There’s freedom all around us and a journey in every song

    Well, I lost the feather in my cap somewhere along the way

    Down low on a lonesome road, I was chasing something that I craved

    But then my boots hit sand and my thoughts were bland

    I was trying to bum a ride on a lonely moonlit night



    Johnny I gotta tell you

    I can’t find my way back home

    Jonny, please won’t you tell me

    How I can keep on keeping on


    Well, I got spun on a dream like drug and I caught a glimpse of hell

    I fell down without a sound, and it seemed like my spirit fell

    I was twisted up and wound down, I was falling through the walls

    I had busted my brain and went insane; I was feeling kind of raw

    Johnnys eyes were sparks, his hands were fire, there was music in his soul

    I just sat and wondered why that I had to play the toll

    Well, this road is free when you look and see

    Every story has to end for a new one to begin

  • I’ve been sitting around for what seems like days

    Trying my best to keep my head straight

    Sometimes it feels like there's no escape

    The world is mad and so am I

    We're all just waiting around to die

    Trying our very best just to survive



    It's been a rough road at the bottom

    Been trying to claw my way to the top

    You can only sing the blues if you got them 

    I've come too far to stop


    Bad news comes and it's 1,2,3 

    Sitting here wondering what's the matter with me

    Why is my life filled with tragedy? 

    Here I am all alone again

    I ain't got nobody I ain't got no friends

    Been telling my troubles to the wind




    It’s one shot of whiskey two shots of gin

    One life of sorrow with two times the sin

    It matters where you’re going, it matters where you’ve been

    I keep walking down this road of life

    I deal with all of the struggle and strife

    Trying my very best to stay alive

  • The nighttime is rocking away, soon the sunlight will come my way

    When a reflecting gleam from this bottle of wine brings the morning light

    My Hearts grown heavy with dreams; nothing is ever as it seems

    Those long-ago recollections seem so clear to me today



    What a good ole time

    What a good ole time I had with you

    What a good ole time

    What a good ole time I had with you


    At a bar in a no place town I was working on my seventh round

    Just trying to fade the thoughts that had plagued me through the day

    The room seemed dark to me, and I didn’t have room to breathe

    No Room to really open up my mind

    Then I felt a cold rush of air of the night winds drifting in

    And naturally I had to turn my head




    Every man gets the worried blues, when he feels low down and used

    But your smiled filled me with wonder, and I knew the night was young

    The pain I’d felt that day went along on its way

    It was like we moved amongst the spotlights as we danced the night away




    We tore up that dead end town with a laugh that was half profound

    And when the morning light come on us, I felt time slipping in

    The roads traveled since we left me there, none can quite compare

    People filter through and leave without a sign

    Another night comes to an end, and these thoughts are rushing in

    And these empty bottles they call your name



  • Chorus:

    I'm leaving the chain gang

    Jumping off the line

    I'm leaving the chain gang

    And all my worries behind


    Through nights of sorrow

    The blues fell like rain

    And my heart was yearning

    To feel the light again


    These thoughts of you bring sunshine

    That brightens my cloudy days

    One thought of your smile, babe

    Makes me want to Sing




    Lonely nights in this factory

    I got you on my mind

    Been dealing with the slow drag

    The Slow drag of time


    There must be more dear

    To life than this

    Been daydreaming all night

    Of your sweet kiss




    It's almost time, dear

    To clock out and go

    I'll be on my way soon

    On my way home to you



All Lyrics by Scott Lee